Underpinning the excellent academic results and ethos of the school are the strong values that Upton House is a family and all of the school community can feel happy and listened to.

Our ‘Upton Minds’ team is formed of dedicated and experienced Upton house staff from Little Upton Nursery through to our Headmistress and one of our Council of Management. Our Head and Deputy Head Boys and Girls are also the voice of the school, with Wellbeing Reps from each of the classes. We support Upton children, parents and families through their wellbeing journey.

Our ethos and wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do

Wellbeing lessons run alongside PSHE covering a variety of topics. We also have an external member of staff who comes in each half term to see children and parents and of course Bert the Worry Monster who will always be around for the children. Mindfulness takes place with the children learning about how the brain works, how to recognise triggers and how to manage their emotions. Weekly assemblies support our culture of wellbeing and often link to the Action for Happiness Calendar.

Together as a school, we celebrate ‘World Mental Health Day’ in October and we look forward to taking part in other wellbeing events throughout the year.

From the youngest to the oldest, the children are encouraged to be resilient and individual. A strong part of the curriculum are activities to empower the children to develop the emotional life skills they need for the wider world. The staff know the children and parents extremely well and work in harmony to provide the best education possible and most importantly to fill Upton with happy children.